
Have Baby, Will Prepare: Finding a Pediatrician.

3. Interview and choose a Pediatrician.

All parents always  desire the best for their babies. Your pediatrician is someone who you will see for the next 18 years of your child's life, so it is essential that you select one before your baby is born. Selecting your pediatrician before the baby is born ensures that someone that you trust, will be there to check on your baby the moment he or she makes the grand entrance to the world. I would like some tips and things I considered when I choose our pediatrician.
  • Location, location, location and Schedule
Your pediatrician should at least be credited or hold clinic on the hospital where you choose to give birth. Your pediatrician should (at least) be present during the time you will be giving birth, to ensure that your child is well and to check if there are no complications or any abnormalities. Having your pediatrician present while you are giving birth also allows you to have your baby be roomed in as soon as possible.
Location is also important, because you will be visiting your pediatrician every month for the first year of your baby's life. The pediatrician's office should be readily accessible, especially in emergency cases or when your baby gets sick.
Also consider the waiting area. Is it spacious enough? Is there a separate area for well-babies and sick-babies? Do they provide some toys or activities for you while waiting? These are some things you need to consider, because sometimes there are a lot of patients, and you have to be patient and wait for your turn.
The schedule is also important, especially if you are a working mom. Check to see if your prospective pediatrician has a schedule for evening or weekend visits. 

  • Response to Phone Calls and SMS
As first time parents, we tend to be praning (paranoid) when it comes to our babies.There are times when you need a doctor's opinion ASAP, or it's already late and the doctor's office are already closed, that we need to resort to phone calls and SMS. So, you need to know how the pediatrician handles queries through that channel. Does he give out his mobile number, or does he allow 'free consultations' through SMS, these are some questions you need to ask your prospective pediatrician.

  • Philosophy, Thoughts and Opinions
It is important to consider your pediatricians philosophy, thoughts and opinions on how to raise your baby, because your pediatrician will be your partner in ensuring that what you do will be the best for your baby. Some things you should consider are: breastfeeding, immunizations, ear piercing (for girls) and circumcision (for boys). Also ask your prospective pediatrician their opinions on attachment parenting, baby-wearing, co-sleeping, and other issues which concern your chosen parenting style.

It is best to get recommendations for prospective pediatricians from your family, friends, or even your OB. Your pediatrician need not be the best in the field, he or she should be the best for you and your baby. Find someone who you will be comfortable with, and one who wouldn't hesitate to answer all your questions. Because, as parents you will surely have a lot of questions, and there are so many things that you will need guidance with. Lastly, make sure that your baby (or babies) will be comfortable with your chosen pediatrician.

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